Finally - the initial meeting with the partner! After some technical diffiulties and some problems with noise (and some strange bus-related incidents of my own) we were able to hold the meeting, which turned out just as informative as I had hoped for. The meeting was held in the Demola and Protomo premises in New Factory, which provided us a nice setting to have a meeting of our own after the initial one with the client.

Although it would have been nice to meet in person, we were able to ask all the relevant questions and get the information needed to establish our ideas further and get new ones. What surprised me - and what still keeps me pondering - is that as digital living we are supposed not to only think about apartments but apartment buildings and areas as a whole. We should also pay attention to the business models behind the soon-to-be innovations, and think about how to offer these ideas to the customer. It certainly seems more clear as to what our roles in the project are, since there are a lot of different talents in the team. (Also, what Janne said in the value creation workshop on Wednesday - the client is using Demola not for old ideas taught to us in school, but for some new ones).

Our focus group on the project will be young people living in Finland. We already had a short conversation about how Finns are as neighbours and as parts of communities. Adnan had some pretty interesting views on the differences, and afterwards as I thought about the matter I thought it's quite good to have people with different cultural backgrounds in the team - it can really be an eye-opener in a project that requires thinking outside the box.

So, what is expected of us is an idea of a concept. The group had some interesting ideas about how to make a demo out of the concept.. We'll be back with more later! What striked us intriguing while discussing the matters after the initial meeting was that the client does not yet provide an efficient way of communication with the customers (online). I think this would sound like a job for us, and I also agree that this would be a service appreciated by the older customers.

At the end of the meeting we made a to-do-list for every team member. This way we'll be ready for the pitch on Tuesday and done with the project plan AND we'll have a hazy idea of what we're going to talk about during the next meeting. Things are getting more complicated; there's the facebook page, e-mail, weebly blog (which seems really nice, thanks for the recommendation and creating it, Chau!), a mind-mapping tool and google docs, of and Doodle of course, phew..! I'm getting a feeling I'm forgetting something.


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Digital Living Demola 2013