What, where, when:
Building stuff out of playdough in the Demola premises, Thursday the 21st.
On the blog today: Playdough, desperate search for value creation and cool pics!
Another meeting at Demola, this time the whole team present. Adnan had prepared some graphs on cost effectiness, value, and benefits for the customers based on our online mindmap.

At the beginning of the meeting we were feeling a little lost: we do have a lot of ideas, some of them quite brilliant (they are!), but we don't know if the client will see value in them or do they possibly already have some kind of similar systems. In the meeting we researched YIT's E-Talo -project, and found out that the E-Talo group has done some good research on what kind of services people are using nowadays and what they would be eager to try. 
Above: Adnan's vision on our project. Sweet, eh?
Though we didn't meet the client, we got to have a little conversation with Janne, our facilitator, who reassured us to keep on working on our existing ideas. According to him, we could also develop the ”old” ideas – innovation can be making old inventions work in different environments and situations. The key question is how to get the most out of an invention.
In addition to some information seeking and researching we started the interface developement, though slowly, with some post-its-related excercises. We also briefly discussed the mid-pitch, and Tomas already had quite a nice idea for the implementation: we're looking at a soap opera with legos... More on that later!

The working hours: Adnan 3.5, so far 19 | Anni 5.5, so far 28 | Chau 13.5, so far 27 | Kamil 4, so far 30.5 | Tomas 2, so far 20.5


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Digital Living Demola 2013